Saturday, August 29, 2009

You Can't Pick Your Relatives, But You CAN Pick Your Nose!

For the purpose of this post I will call this coworker of mine Stella. Stinky Stella didn't bathe as often as the rest of the world. If she showered once a week I would be surprised. She worked in my department for 7 or 8 years and we complained many times to the supervisor. She would have a talk with Stinky Stella and for a few days she wouldn't stink to high heaven. But it wouldn't be very long that she would start smelling really ripe again. She is very open about telling everyone she picks up guys on the internet, talks to them online and then goes to meet them. She also would talk to her computer and answer the computer sometimes it seemed as though she was having an argument with herself. Part of her daily diet was nose content. She picked her nose and ate it! She is without a doubt the grossest person I have had to work with.
I guess having, ahem, "nose content"  for lunch is good for people on a budget.  Or something. 

Thanks to Di!


GunDiva said...

Are you spying on my students at school? 'Cause this is a dead-on description of one of them.

Anita Bier said...

Why, yes, I have spies everywhere! *Muahahahahah* (that's supposed to be an evil laugh in case ya don't know! ;)

SG said...

Ha ha ha ha ha...
.. ha ha ha ha ha ha...
How much you echo my thoughts for some of my colleagues!

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